The new prime minister of New Zealand can’t say what a woman is (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


From Plough Magazine on Canada’s once-Christian mainline denominations backing assisted suicide and euthanasia: “Where are the churches in Canada’s euthanasia experiment?” I personally think the word “churches” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Canada’s mainline denominations sold out a half-century ago–the United Church fought for the legalization of abortion. These dying institutions are social clubs for sexual revolutionaries with nostalgia and serve primarily as spiritual quislings for those who destroyed our civilization.


As predicted, violence from the transgender movement is escalating. From The Christian Post:

William Whitworth, a 19-year-old former student who identifies as a woman named Lily, is facing attempted murder charges after he allegedly planned to shoot up multiple schools and churches in Colorado. Whitworth’s preliminary hearing is scheduled for May 5, and his bond is set at $75,000. According to a Thursday statement from the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, the suspect is charged with criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, criminal mischief, menacing, and interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions. 

Read the whole thing.


The world of professional sports continues to be roiled by the steady migration of men into women’s sports:

Athletics Canada’s former head coach has come forward to reveal that he was threatened by the Canadian Olympic Committee lawyers after expressing discontent with the results of the women’s 800m at the 2016 Olympic Games. The competition saw three biological males take the top spots, displacing the female Canadian bid to fourth place.

Read the whole thing.


As gay man Dylan Mulvaney, who is larping as a woman, racks up corporate endorsements, some are finally beginning to tire of it. His latest deal is with Nike, which is now facing a boycott.


A Texas judge has suspended the FDA’s politicized approval of the abortion pill, and the abortion movement—and the Democrats—are predictably livid. A torrent of propaganda has been the response, but as Dr. Michael New notes in National Review, the mainstream media is deliberately understating the danger of abortion pills—not only to the baby, whose existence they refuse to acknowledge, but also to the mother.


Here’s a headline that buries a lot: “Nonbinary teacher sues Missouri school district claiming job was denied for using genderless pronouns.” So an activist teacher who wants to focus primarily on her “non-binary” identity that she’s invested so much in discovers that education is about more than bludgeoning people into recognizing her preferred pronouns and now believes she was discriminated against. I mean, I sure hope the board took her extremism into account and rejected her application on that basis. That would be encouraging.


Gender ideology turns otherwise intelligent people into morons. Exhibit A: the new prime minister of New Zealand, who is obviously not much of an improvement on the previous one. Chris Hipkins was asked how he would define a “woman.” He was tongue-tied—one could almost see his brain racing between obvious biological fact and backlash from the transgender mob that had so recently attacked Posie Parker in Auckland. “Um…to be honest that question has come slightly out of left field for me,” he said (apparently unironically). “Well biology, sex, gender, um. People define themselves, people define their own genders.”

That’s nonsense, and Hipkins knows it. But the power of the transgender movement is in forcing people to knowingly lie.


More soon.

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